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Christ the Redeemer Parish in Manville (Sacred Heart Church and Christ The King Church) hosted their yearly Mega Raffle. We sold a total of 1540 tickets. The drawing took place on October 11th at 3:00 p.m.

Christ The Redeemer Mega Raffle 2020 WINNERS!

1st -- $3,850.00 -- Richard Onderko
2nd -- $2,887.50 -- Dorothy Gluch
3rd -- $1,925.00 -- Marcia Casas

22 Runner Up Prize Winners - $481.25

Kulinski Memorials, Nicholas Trilone, Agnes Middlecamp, Marianne Gola, Martin Geiger, Ronald & Monica Wozniak, Kim Petzinger, Lorenzo Bonanni, Ed Ogin, Isabel Piotrowski, Chris & Ralph Trksak, Jarek & Kasia Balicki, Robert Pietryk, Dorothy Battista, Lee Ravaioli, Eugene Jardine, Vince & Rachel Petrone, Darren Hinmon, Louise Romano, Kulinski Memorials, Andrej Wawrzyszko, Thomas Carroll.