Thank you to the parents, grandparents, family, teachers, friends, and all who prayed for and helped to prepare the First Communicants to receive Jesus in Holy Communion. Mrs. Charlotte Snow and Mrs. Rosemarie Charneski, the second-grade teachers, organized and directed the children throughout the solemn occasion. Mrs. Lucy Mazareski was the musical director and organist. All children participated in some form during the order of celebration. Some did the readings, the intercessions, brought up the gifts to the altar, presented flowers to the Blessed Mother, and all sang.

The 2020 Communicants:

Marilyn Chacon, Kimberly DeMarco, Julia Droszczak, Kamil Fular, Anya Habas, Jacob Kleszcz, David Lukac, Scarlet Miller, Victor Orzol, Vivien Ptak, Veronika Ramirez, Camilla Salazar, Emily Sondej, Alexa Tapia-Tapia, Karol Zalewski.

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